AI si o AI no

Azares del destino hicieron llegar a mis manos un ejemplar de la revista The Economist del mes de junio. La portada se me hizo una genialidad, una representación gráfica contundente de lo que está pasando desde finales del año pasado en relación con el tema de la IA (Inteligencia Artificial).

Why clear communication is key to successful nearshore development.

Oliver Rodriguez Linked In Clear and effective communication is a fundamental element for the success of any project, regardless of its size, location, or complexity. Join us as we explore the importance of clear communication in project success and how it can be achieved, regardless of the project’s scope or location. From local projects to […]

Why expanding your development team with nearshore experts is a smart move.

Oliver Rodriguez Linked In Software development projects are dynamic by nature, meaning that their scope and requirements change over time. This complexity creates significant challenges for companies that want to deliver successful software solutions. In this post, we will examine the difficulties of managing changing project requirements and discuss how adopting a flexible and agile […]

Why SAFE® is the best framework to implement Agile at scale.

Oliver Rodriguez Linked In Often, large and complex business organizations require efficient agile management. If the company has multiple teams and projects in different locations, departments, or countries, a unified structure is needed to facilitate collaboration, improve visibility, and ensure consistent delivery of value throughout the organization. Agile methodologies have revolutionized the software development world, […]

Why nearshore software development could become the best ally for your business.

Oliver Rodriguez Linked In Today’s business world is a fast-paced environment, where competition for talent has reached unprecedented levels of intensity. Attracting and retaining top-notch IT talent is increasingly challenging for companies, jeopardizing their capacity for growth and success. This is where Qualtop services can be of assistance. Nearshore outsourcing is an effective way to […]